Airport & airfield
- Reconstruction of slabs in rapid-hardening concrete for aircraft recirculation to within a few hours.
- Retexturing or surface water removing by grooving to reduce or eliminate dynamic hydroplaning.
- Core drilling for encased runway lights.
- Dowel bar retrofitting or post-anchoring to restore load transfers on cracked slabs.
- Coring, removal of old lighting systems and installation of new lighting system.
- High depth cutting of asphalt or concrete pavements.
- Installation of dowel load transfer systems : to transfer loads across a joint.
- Sawing and widening of concrete seal.
- Joint sealing / waterproofing treatment of concrete pavements.
- Repair of concrete surfaces, joint defects or corner cracks in resine or cement mortar.
- Slab demolition by unbuilding when subject is sensitive to vibrations (decompression, blocks cutting and slab removal in blocks).
- Crack sealing on asphalt pavement.
- Concrete surface impregnation for protection against water and frost.
- Hydrocleaning and degumming of runway.
- Slab undersealing.
- Contraction joint treatment : intended to control the location of slab cracking that develop due to the restraint stresses caused by moisture-related concrete shrinkage, thermal contraction and temperature curling,
- Construction joint treatment : that results from the placement of concrete next to hardened concrete,
- Isolation joint treatment: placed between the concrete pavement and an adjacent pavement or embedded object to allow the concrete pavement to move independently in all directions without damage.
- Trenching and laying of tubes for cable installation
- Grooving and sealing cables on ground